Medical Services

Below are the list of Medical Services:

  • Chronic pain
  • sport medicine
  • Physiatry
  • Regenerative musculoskeletal/ orthopedic medicine( dextrose prolotherapy , autologous stem cells and platelet rich plasma): osteorthritis , disk prolapse , sport injurie , neck , shoulder , carpal , tunnel, foot , ligaments , tendons , peripheral nerves entrapment, headache ..etc
  • Chronic Pain psychology 
  • Functional physical therapy
  • Family medicine 
  • Home health care. 

The orthopain center implement the outcom of the new Canadian fellowship in chronic pain/musculoskeletal medicine. This fellowship is a new extensive training program that aimed at filling the huge gap between the surgical and medical treatment of chronic pain.the contents of this training is unique and happened for the first time in Canada in 2010. The founder of orthopain center( Dr.Ali Alqahtani )was the first to obtain this scope of specialization at the level of Canada in 2010. At orthopain center we help most of our client to achieve safe cure from their chronic pain,chronic fatigue , sleep disorders, chronic pain stress response chronic stress related cognitive impairment,physical dysfunction. We also help clients with incurable pain syndromes to achieve safe and effective pain relief and functional restoration.our center is the first of its kind in the Middle East and among the few leading centers in the world.our claim is supported by certificates and recognition/ acknowledgment from the CANADIAN ACADEMY of pain management about the medical training of the founder. 

We implement the modern revolution in chronic pain medicine aiming at achieving the following objectives:

1.To implement the 7 steps diagnostic approach to ensure accurate diagnosis

2.The 7 steps diagnostic approach reduces the dependence on the unnecessary part of radiological and other tests that might be  misleading the diagnosis , where diagnosis depend in most part of it on the comprehensive clinical assessment.

3.We implement the 7 steps chronic pain management approach( R:regenerative, R:rehabilitative, M:mind-body, M:safe conventional medications, H: approved herbs, S: approved anti-oxidant supplements) aiming at:

-Reducing the rate of surgical treatment by at least 80% compared to the common current practices in the kingdom and most parts of the world. 

-Reducing the rate of using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,opioids and corticosteroids by at least 80% compared to the current common practices worldwide.this aims at avoiding the significant health hazards of such medications.

- Reducing the rate of  radiological and other tests by at least  50% , through eliminating the orders that don,t  follow the evidence based recommendations.

- Reducing the return to sport  time by at least  50%.